Later this (Tues.) afternoon an unveiling with take place near downtown Napoleon of a mural created on the side of an historic building, by a Henry County artist.The mural is from a postcard that dates back to the early 1900’s, and gives you a glimpse of downtown Napoleon, looking to the Maumee River over a century ago.Jerry Tonjes contracted the work on the west side of his building at 114 West Clinton Street, and you can see it now.The historic building use to be home for the Oddfellows Hall, and was built in 1915, and is now serving as the office home for JT Rentals and Buildings.Tonjes spotted the postcard of Napoleon history while on a trip to Michigan.And local artist and Patrick Henry grad Dave Rickerd has been working on the project the past week.Dave Rickerd by the way has another claim to fame.He was a cross country state champion for Patrick Henry high school in the early 1980’s.The official unveiling of the mural takes place this afternoon at 5pm, again at 114 West Clinton Street in Napoleon.

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